Photo Information

Photo Information

All photos on this website are originals, copyright Trade Winds Fruit (unless specifically noted). Photos are not for reproduction in print, the web, or in any other type of media without prior written consent. Please contact us at for any questions or useage requests.


We Need Your Help!

If you see a seed listing on our site that doesn't have a photo and you have a photo to share, let us know! We are offering $20 store credit per photo we use.


 1) Submitted photos must be your original work and you must be the owner of the photos. Please do not submit photos that were found on other websites or through web searches. (By the way, taking images from websites without the author's permission is considered plagiarism.)

2) We need a copy of the original, unedited photo.

3) Photos should be of high quality, with good focus, lighting and high enough resolution. In most cases we are looking for a photo of the fruit for a fruiting plant, a flower for an ornamental, etc.

4) If we are able to use the photo, you will be credited $20 into your Trade Winds Fruit store account. (Store accounts are free to sign up).

5) You agree to allow us unlimited use of the photo on our website for seed listings and for information pages. You would retain copyright on the photo and would be credited on our site (if desired).

6) E-mail questions or photos to us at