Gonolobus chloranthus - Cahuayote

Out of stock. Last available: 6/3/2019 - 4/11/2023

Out of stock

5 seeds per pack. (May be Gonoblous tetragonus.) a.k.a. Cuchampera. An interesting and little known fruit from drier forests in central and northern Mexico. The green fruits, which look kind of like a pumpkin relative (they are not) are generally used when roasted or boiled. Raw fruits and seeds contain a milky latex which is not edible should be avoided. The fruits are relatively popular in their local range, and used in a variety of ways. A vining plant, part of the milkweed family. Grows well in dry tropical areas. Unknown frost tolerance, but is likely suitable in subtropical areas. #4612

Out of stock. Last available: 6/3/2019 - 4/11/2023